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Hatten im Doppel das Nachsehen: Axel Schorradt (vorne) und Thassilo Knapp. Foto: Christian Schlienz
Hatten im Doppel das Nachsehen: Axel Schorradt (vorne) und Thassilo Knapp. Foto: Christian Schlienz

My heart's afflicted, everywhere I turn it reminds me of you.
How we could write our headlines and make the world spin just for us?
But we are not in motion,

Ernüchtert: TTV-Kapitänin Lena Blankenhorn. Foto: Thomas Kaltenecker
Ernüchtert: TTV-Kapitänin Lena Blankenhorn. Foto: Thomas Kaltenecker

Everything I feel is tied to our past.
And even though I do regret saying all those hurtful things to you
I can't ignore the fact that we've drifted off where there's no turning back.
I lay my head down low, I keep hiding my heart away.

Forever this way.